✈️ 2025 美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校 ISRP 暑期研究計畫申請公告(可獲臺大補助)

發佈日期:2025-02-07 15:28:00

計畫簡述:The International Summer Research Program (ISRP) is a rigorous summer program that invites international students from partner universities to join labs of leading UC San Diego faculty and engage in cutting-edge research. In addition to gaining valuable research experience, students will have the opportunity to explore San Diego and engage in cultural, academic and professional enrichment activities. At the end of the program, students will present their research at the ISRP Research Symposium. ISRP accepts all disciplines and fields of study!



  1. 校內甄選繳件期限:March 7
  2. 線上申請期限:March 31
  3. 錄取通知:April 7
  4. Pre-ISRP program (June 21 to June 29, 2025)
    • APRU Annual Presidents’ Meeting (June 22-24)
    • Student panel discussion (June 24): “The Future of Longevity Research: Engaging the Next Generations Scholars”
    • 獲計畫錄取,須於621日前抵達、參與Pre-ISRP programUCSD將提供Pre-ISRP program期間免費校內住宿
  5. 計畫執行期間:June 29-August 30
    詳細說明請參考計畫網站ISRP Timeline 2025*



  1. 計畫費:5,500美元(包含on-campus housing for 9 week, visa document processing fee, laboratory fee, activities and excursion fee)。
  2. 計畫費不包含簽證申請、機票、餐食等費用,學生亦須自行負擔。

詳細費用說明請參考計畫網站Program Cost


  1. 臺大提供新臺幣50,000元整補助,並於計畫結束返台後核撥。
  2. 受邀參與 Student Panel Discussion發表者,APRU將提供500元美金補助

研究領域:Engineering, Marine Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Physical Sciences
詳細資訊請參考Participating LabsISRP Faculty Mentor List



  1. Resume/ CV
  2. 英文能力證明:TOEFL iBT 83IELTS 7DET 115
  3. 英文版歷年成績表(向教務處申請,須含113-2修課紀錄)
  4. 本校師長英文推薦信1
  5. 護照影本


  1. 臺大甄選
    • 請將所有申請資料合併成1PDF檔(檔名設為學號+姓名),於 202537日前 寄至jeffreyhuang@ntu.edu.tw(國際事務處黃子洋專員,+886-2-3366-2007#228),以利本校完成審查、推薦。
  2. UCSD端線上申請
    • 獲推薦者,UCSD將另寄計畫線上申請通知,請務必依通知指示,於2025331日前完成線上申請。

詳細資訊請參考計畫網站Nomination and Application Processes and Deadlines