Directives for the Implementation of Subsidies for Teaching in English
Types of Subsidized EMI Courses (To apply click here)
1. Foundation and Liberal Education Courses
Foundation Courses: Service-oriented foundational courses (such as calculus, general biology, general physics, general pyschology, sociology, microeconomics, macroeconomics,etc.)
Liberal Education Courses: General liberal education courses approved by the Center for General Education.
2. Specialization Program Courses
Courses within a Specialization Program approved by Office of Academic Affairs. (Specialization Program FAQs)
3. Required Courses
Required courses approved by Office of Academic Affairs (not including common required courses and liberal education courses).
Sources of Funding
The Program for Bilingual Eduation for Students in College (BEST)
Subsidy Recipient
1. NTU full-time tenure-track faculty members.
2. Project-based faculty members who were hired without the requirement to teach completely in English and who the Office of International Affairs deems eligible.
For example, if the letter of appointment stated that the appointee shall teach __ course(s) in English-medium instruction as a general principle per semester, then the required number of EMI course(s) will not be eligible for a subsidy.
Subsidy Amounts
1. New Course (EMI courses applying for this subsidy for the first time): NTD 50,000 Course Subsidy and up to an additional NTD 20,000 Teaching Materials Subsidy (distributed through reimbursement).
2. Continuing Course: NTD 30,000 Course Subsidy
3. If the actual student enrollment in the course exceeds 80 students, the Course Subsidy will be
increased by 50%.
Note: The maximum subsidy one faculty member can receive per semester is NTD 80,000 in total, including the course subsidy and teaching materials subsidy.
4. If the course has more than one instructor, the subsidy should be divided between each faculty member according to their proportion of teaching.
5. Successful applicants of the Subsidy will first receive half of the monetary support. Upon participation in the CBE’s validated activities before 2025 January 31th, the applicants will receive the remaining half of the monetary support.
CBE’s validated activities:
a. All teachers (including first-time subsidy recipients) who receive the subsidy must fill out the "Evaluations of your EMI Course Survey" conducted by CBE. Successful applicants of the Subsidy need to fill in the form for each EMI subsidized course.
b. First-time subsidy recipients (including recipients who completed CBE’s courses before but never receive the EMI subsidy) are required to complete 1 in-person course and 1 online course offered by CBE before the end of the current semester.
For more information, please visit Should you have any questions, please contact Michelle Peng at CBE(02)3366-7970 #211
Additional Subsidy
1. Specialization Programs: An additional subsidy of NTD 100,000 may be granted to the relevant department if all the courses with an approved Specialization Program convert to EMI. There is no time limit to receive this subsidy, and the department must fill out the relevant form and pass the review.
2. For teachers who have completed the EMI Plus Teaching Enhancement Workshop held by the EMI Teaching and Learning Center, the course subsidy will be increased by 20% for the following three academic years. (The maximum subsidy one faculty member can receive per semester is NTD 100,000 in total, including the course subsidy and teaching materials subsidy.)
Application Timeline (Based on the actual announcement)
1.Fall Semester Courses
(1)Application Period: the end of June through the end of July
(2)Results: Announced by the middle of October
2.Spring Semester Courses
(1)Application period: Early December through the end of December
(2)Results: Announced by the end of February (the following year)
Table Overview of Subsidies for EMI Courses
Principles of Review
1.Course Credits: If the course does not offer at least 2 credits, the subsidy amount will be 50% of the above amounts.
2.The actual student enrollment must meet the below criteria to qualify for the subsidy:(1)Undergraduate-level course: at least 25 enrolled students in principle.
(2)Upper Level Course (courses with a "U" in their course ID code): at least 20 enrolled students in principle.
(3)Master-level course: at least 12 enrolled students in principle.
(4)Doctorate-level course: at least 6 enrolled students in principle.
3.Except for new English taught courses, previous student enrollment, course evaluations from the previous three times course evaluations will be taken into consideration. Courses with well evaluation scores and an evaluation response rate greater than 25% will be given priority to receive the subsidy.
4.Departments/graduate institutes/degree Programs who have received other subsidies that promote EMI courses may not apply for the Subsidies, unless approved by the Office of International Affairs. If the funding source for other subsidies is self-raised, please submit an official document to the Office of International Affairs to determine if concurrent receipt is permissible.
Application for English Medium Instruction Teaching Assistant (EMI TA) Subsidy
1.When applying for this subsidy for undergraduate and upper level courses, you can
apply for the EMI TA Subsidy at the same time.
2.For Liberal Education Courses, please apply through the Center for General Education. For Foundation Courses, please apply through the Office of Academic Affairs. For Specialization Program Courses and Required Courses, please apply through the Office of International Affairs.
Application for Postdoctoral Fellow as Course Lecturer Subsidy
If you need a postdoctoral researcher to serve as a lecturer in the class, you can apply for a subsidy for them when you apply for the EMI Subsidy.